Page name: torture through pleasure [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-15 20:08:07
Last author: _Einsam_Ein_
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 4
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This page is dedicated to those who torture through pleasure. For you sadists, Masochists, and just peoples who love that stuff, this page is for you to write down your pleasurable torture! Be as graphic as you wish!

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2007-12-14 [.Toxic Valentine.]: but in any case... the doorman is super sexy .. x

2007-12-14 [Eyonic]: oooo, really?!!!!! *looks around* Now where'd he go.....

2007-12-16 [.Toxic Valentine.]: yeah ... where is that eye candy .. *links arms with empty and goes off to find him*

2007-12-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: *shows up*...hmmm.

2007-12-17 [Eyonic]: yes hiro?

2007-12-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: Well well...didnt know you were into pleasurable tourture.

2007-12-17 [Eyonic]: why yes, I did.

2007-12-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: you want tourture?

2007-12-17 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmm, what kind?<img:stuff/mood5-gif.gif>

2007-12-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: pleasure...

2007-12-17 [Eyonic]: I would love some torture.........are you good at it?

2007-12-18 [Hiro Kitaki]: Possibly...depends on whats allowed, and whats off limits.

2007-12-18 [Eyonic]: hmmmmmm, well, I cant really think of any limits....... it's torture after all!

2007-12-18 [Hiro Kitaki]: Hmmm...and you want me to tourture you with pleasure?

2007-12-18 [Eyonic]: sure! and just simple torture *shrugs* either way.

2007-12-18 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...ok...but i dont tourture in message me.

2007-12-19 [.Toxic Valentine.]: hiro please can we . just talk..?

2007-12-20 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha empty is not really into being tortured in pleasure my dear [Hiro Kitaki] she is in no way a masochyst.... *wink* poor empty... :P

2007-12-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *screams* HIRO I AM GOING OUT OF MY MIND! PLEASE CAN WE TALK.

2007-12-21 [Eyonic]: ...............

2008-02-26 [Hiro Kitaki]: ermmm...sure?

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